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For the woman living in anxiety, burnout, and overwhelm …

What if you could meet your true self, embrace your worth, and live the life you actually want 

even if nothing has worked for you before?

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Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by your own thoughts.

If your hand is up high right now,

then trust me, I hear you.

Life often feels like it’s just one thing after another. And as a woman, you’ve been conditioned to put everyone else first. There are so many “shoulds” that it’s practically impossible to figure out what you even need to feel better.


As a psychologist, I know you’re not alone if:

  • You get that caring for your mental health is important but it just feels like another thing on your (ever-expanding) to-do list

  • You’re following all the experts online, but their self-care “hacks” either don’t work for you or don’t really feel like hacks…who has time for a 2-hour morning routine anyway??

  • You’ve downloaded meditation apps or tried traditional therapy but your inner critic is still REALLY loud ​​



  & if you’re really honest with yourself, you know that  living

in this constant state of overwhelm just isn’t sustainable.

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“What am I even doing with my life?”

“She makes it look so easy”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Why am I like this?”

“I just can’t do this”

“Who am I?”

But when it feels like you’ve tried everything,

it’s really hard to know what to do next ....

Well, after working with wonderful women of all ages and backgrounds, I’ve realized that there are 3 fundamentals you need for mental health success (that are often missing from other forms of therapy):


A Clear Goal

Therapy and self-care often miss the mark by being too general. By defining and working towards a specific goal, supporting your mental well-being becomes a real and manageable task. It’s easier to see your progress, which makes it easier to keep going.


A loving relationship with yourself

There will always be outside challenges to deal with – life just doesn’t quit, does it? But when you’re grounded in self-compassion, self-confidence, and self-trust, you have the strength, skills, and resiliency to handle whatever comes your way.


Practical & Holistic Approach 

It’s one thing to understand that you need to be kinder to yourself. But knowing how to do that is what changes everything. You need more than just retail therapy or a weekly bubble bath. You need a range of tools and techniques that work for your mind and your body.

Bring all three together in a safe, loving, and supportive environment, and I know you’ll see powerful results.

I am a psychologist, mindfulness coach, sun-seeker, and 2000s pop culture fan girl. (Gilmore Girls marathon? I’m in!)

I truly believe that caring for your mental health should be a manageable, practical, and celebrated part of your life.


Because you deserve loving and fulfilling relationships. You deserve the career of your dreams. And you deserve to feel good about yourself without ever questioning your worth.

And here’s the thing…you don’t need to overhaul your life or change who you are to feel good about yourself.


You just need to get started.

Oh hey there!
I am Maren

Meet Maren

It’s time to step into a love affair with yourself and meet…


The holistic virtual therapy program for women

looking to take control of their mental health,

once and for all.

Inside this 12-week program, you’ll learn how to:

Feel calm, grounded, and present to actually enjoy life on your own terms

Define and communicate your boundaries so that you can give to others without feeling depleted or resentful

Treat yourself with kindness and compassion even when perfectionism and comparison take over

Build a practical, sustainable, and personalized mental health toolkit even if it feels like you’ve read every self-help book out there

Grow your self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-trust to build a loving relationship with the most important person in your life - you.

This is how your journey

to self-love unfolds

Phase 01.



The first step in your journey is to clarify your specific mental health goals and deepen your awareness of yourself and your experiences. You’ll learn to pair this awareness with a non-judgemental approach to your thoughts, developing a sense of inner safety. You’ll walk away with a practical plan for sustainable self-care that actually works for you. And the best part? You’ll use it throughout the program so you can refine your plan and get support along the way.

Phase 02.



Personal transformation and self-exploration trigger your protective mechanisms. And it makes sense - your body and mind want to keep you safe by resisting change! In this phase, you’ll develop a deep understanding of your nervous system and learn practical tools to feel more comfortable with discomfort and keep moving toward the life you’re craving.

Phase 03.



You’re now ready to dig deeper into your unconscious mind. You’ll identify, understand, and release the limiting beliefs and old patterns that are keeping you stuck. You’ll walk away with an intimate understanding of yourself and the ability to hold all of you with care and compassion. By uncovering your shadow, you’ll move closer to the light.

Phase 06.



Finally, you’ll learn how to prioritize self-forgiveness and self-compassion to develop your resilience, helping you care for yourself long after our time together ends. You'll learn how to recentre yourself during challenging times and access your mental health tools, even when life gets hard.

Phase 05.



In this phase, you’ll define and set your boundaries to finally let go of overwhelm, resentment, and depletion and have loving, fulfilling relationships. You’ll learn how to trust yourself to set the boundaries you need AND how to effectively communicate them to others so you can stop living the life you think you should have and start living the one you actually want.

Phase 04.



Next, you’ll intentionally build your relationship with yourself, bringing a sense of confidence and peace that will change how you operate in the world. You’ll learn how to connect with yourself, ground yourself, and lovingly communicate with yourself so you can see your true worth and adopt a mindset based in self-love.

Each phase builds on the last so that you walk away with a next-level understanding of your mind, a powerful connection with your body, and a strategic framework you can use to work through future challenges.

“When I started working with Maren, I was struggling with my self-esteem. I just felt lost, alone, and kind of stuck. I was trying to figure out who I was as a woman and where I fit in in the world. 


Maren essentially gave me a toolkit for my mental health. She helped me get to know and care for myself and set my own boundaries. I love that her work is at the intersection of science and holistic approaches. It's not just talking; it's journaling, body sessions, and somatic movement – it's comprehensive


Now, I have a much stronger sense of who I am and what my boundaries are. I have more self-confidence, too. Before, I was often riddled with anxiety and self-doubt, but now, even though I still have those moments, I can have a calming voice in my head at the same time.

Honestly, I feel like this program would be beneficial to most women. As women, we're often told to care for ourselves and put ourselves first, but we're not actually taught how to care for our mental health or what practical steps to take to feel good mentally and physically. There's a lot of positivity on Instagram about women “doing it all”, but not enough about how to truly care for yourself.

– Alessia

Healing in their own words ...

I have a much stronger sense of who I am and what my boundaries are.

and since Flourish is designed to create a real, sustainable impact in your life, you’ll be supported every step of the way with…

Flourish Booklet
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Focused workbooks for each phase

Hearing something once isn’t enough to create change, so each phase of Flourish has a dedicated workbook that you can refer back to for years to come.

You’ll be able to:

  • Solidify your learning from our therapy sessions​

  • Work through intentional prompts for self-reflection, growth, and integration​

  • Deepen your relationship with yourself with a range of practical exercises for your mind and body

& This is only the beginning!

Voice and text support via Telegram

Life doesn’t just stop between therapy sessions, so you’ll get a full day of one-to-one support every other week to keep building on your progress. 


Whether you:


  • Need a safe place to vent

  • Want to check in and say hi

  • Have a specific struggle to share


I’m here to hold space, give personalized tips for improving your stress levels, sleep hygiene, and self-talk, and share custom audio meditations.

TherapyWithMaren Telegram

Simply, Flourish is the place where psychological theory and radical self-love meet practical implementation.

Flourish is the place where psychological theory and radical self-love meet practical implementation.

Here’s exactly what you’ll get inside this program…

6 Personal

Therapy Sessions

One-on-one virtual therapy sessions to reflect, challenge, heal, and grow

6 Telegram 

Support Days 

Text and voice note support via the Telegram app for individualized care between sessions

6 Flourish Workbooks 

With reflection exercises, mindfulness practices, mindset tools, audio meditations, guided visualizations, and more

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For only

“What I love about working with Maren is that she is a great listener and she is empathetic. She is calm, organised, and always welcoming. 


We sometimes touch on topics that she may not be able to relate to due to different life experiences. But she always listens without judgement and helps me to understand or tune into the psychology that contributes to “labels” I put on myself.


She helps me explore alternative ways of thinking and feeling about myself, which have definitely allowed me to begin to Flourish.


I can say that I have been more positive about myself, my ability to be a business owner, and my ability to create new connections and opportunities.”

- Donna 

I can say that I have been more positive about myself, my ability to be a business owner, and my ability to create new connections & opportunities.

Flourish was made for women just like you

You’ve done therapy before and felt like something was missing.

You always put other people first and want to start prioritizing your own needs and wants.

You know self-care is important, but you need to learn HOW to care for yourself in practical and sustainable ways.

You live in a state of anxiety, worry, or dread and want to feel present, grounded and calm, even in challenging situations.

You’re committed to uncovering, exploring, and loving (yes, it’s possible!) the truest version of yourself.


You’ve read this far because you want more - more peace, more clarity, and more confidence. 


You’re ready to take a big step and learn the skills that will support you throughout your life. And that’s no small thing! 


So here’s my promise to you…


 I’ll help you implement the mental health tools that work for you.


I’ll offer personalized therapy and support toward the transformation

you want.


I’ll provide a safe, supportive, and reflective space, both in session and

during Telegram support days.


And I promise that if you show up open, ready, and willing to create courageous change, you’ll walk away with an intimate understanding of yourself and a roadmap for how to navigate life’s ups and downs.


I know how important it is to have a good fit between therapist and client. That’s why I always start with a discovery call - to make sure that this is the right program for you. If I don’t think Flourish will help you reach your goals, then I want you to save your time, energy, and money for a program that will. 


My practice is built on honesty, integrity, and compassion -

and that’s exactly what you can expect.

Since we're getting to know each other ...


Can I tell you something? 


I don’t have it all figured out. In fact, I don’t think anyone does.




Because it’s normal to feel anxious, frustrated, and confused.


It’s normal to totally check out when you’re feeling overwhelmed.


And it’s normal to get help for your mental health.


On top of my education and experience, I’ve spent the last 10 years on my own journey to self-love. I’ve lived through grief, stood in drama, struggled with anxiety, avoided the heck out of tough situations, and disconnected from my body when it all felt like too much.


And if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that it gets easier.


I’ve learned that knowing, accepting, and loving myself for who I am is the best way to manage the hard times and actually enjoy the good times. Small, sustainable, and effective changes are the key to finally feeling better.


And that’s exactly what I want to share with you inside Flourish.

“Maren holds a beautiful safe space where from the moment you enter, you feel that all of you is really welcomed. She gives you the space to talk and when needed she will ask the right questions that allow you to shift your perspective or go deeper.”


– Kim

But therapy is therapy, right? Well … not really.
Here’s what sets
Flourish apart…

In Flourish

Transform your past into a source of strength as you work toward meaningful goals.

Enjoy full-day support through text and voice, so you’re never stuck between sessions.

Embrace your unique, vibrant self while using practical tools to overcome challenges.

Heal through a deep mind-body connection, integrating conscious and subconscious levels.

Experience a blend of approaches, including positive psychology, ACT, somatic therapy, mindfulness, and guided visualizations for well-rounded support.

In Traditional Therapy

Primarily focus on past issues, limiting deeper growth.

Lack of support between sessions.

Surface-level understanding of your experiences.

Healing centered only on conscious thought.

Rely on just one psychological approach, like CBT or psychotherapy.

Simply, I created Flourish because I saw the need for more impactful, more intentional, & more practical mental health care.

“My previous experience in therapy helped on one level, but I was still struggling with anxiety and wanted to function better and feel better in my everyday life. I knew I needed to stop feeling so guilty and being so hard on myself. But I needed to learn how to do that and how to actually appreciate myself and build a better relationship with myself


Through Flourish, I’ve learned practical coping techniques that helped me be less anxious and to even prevent anxiety in certain situations. I’m able to connect better with others and myself, and can actually benefit from the time I spend with myself. 


I really enjoyed how responsive and reflective Maren was in each session. It felt like I got exactly what I needed from each time, no matter what I was bringing into the session. This isn’t just a recording or a set plan – she really adjusts and personalizes the program for what you need


I wish every woman or really anybody struggling with self-esteem related issues could have a few hours with Maren. It’s not a magical solution but an invaluable step on the way.”

– Patricia

I’ve learnt practical coping techniques that helped me be less anxiousand to even prevent anxiety in certain situations. 

Got any questions? I am an open book!

Listen, there are a lot of things that can hold you back from living the life you want…

But the one I hear the most? It’s fear.

Fear of the unknown. Fear of being vulnerable. And fear that nothing will help.


And if taking action right now feels a bit scary, I want you to know something:


It’s not just you.


I know because I’ve been there, too.


If you had told me years ago that I’d be the healthy, resilient, and self-loving person that I am today, I’d never have believed you.


And let me tell you this: I haven’t done anything magical or mysterious. I’ve been taking it one step at a time and learning to support myself along the way.


Now, I’m not saying I can see into your future…but I have seen my clients literally flourish during this program. So I tell you this honestly - the life you’re hoping for IS possible.


That life where you know yourself intimately and care for every part of you with compassion.


Where you openly share your feelings, thoughts, and desires with the people you love.


Where you make decisions from a place of self-trust instead of fear.


It might sound too good to be true, but I promise it’s within your reach right now.

One last note, straight from my heart to yours 

"I know that investing time, energy, and money in yourself can feel really uncomfortable. 


But here’s the thing…


You are worthy of support.


You are worthy of self-love, self-compassion, and self-confidence. 


Whether or not you choose to work with me, I want you to know that you don’t have to be married to the “shoulds” and you don’t have to listen to that critical voice in your head.


You deserve to enjoy your life, your relationships, and yourself. And when you step inside Flourish, I’ll be with you every step of the way."


Your self-love fanatic,



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